
The Tamarind Express has arrived!

Hi everyone!  Welcome to the Tamarind Express blog!  The Tamarind Express is a digital newspaper where our reporters Woo-jin from Korea and Siena from Spain will publish their investigations.  If you are a Tamarind resident living in Penang (Malaysia) or if you are Woo-jin or Siena's friend our newspaper will interest you! So, stay tuned! ¿Is there anything you want to know about The Tamarind condo? Send us your questions and we will try to answer them. ¿Are you interested in working with us? We are looking for young reporters from 6 to 12 years old. They must be Tamarind resident, interested in having fun and learning english. We pay 1 ringgit per hour of work. Please contact us if you want to join! The Tamarind Express